That was fast! Land sale round 2 sold out in 5 minutes!

2 min readNov 3, 2021


These are the different Tiers of land in the Metropolis.

We are amazed by the level of enthusiasm and support we are seeing for Realm! Earlier today we released a limited number of land parcels available for purchase to our community, and everything sold out in only 5 minutes!

We’ve heard from many members of our community who are eager to secure their own piece of the Metropolis. Remember that you can still secure your land in later rounds, and you can prepare for them by staking $REALM to earn $sREALM here:

We are also giving away an additional 10 plots of land when this round officially ends in 10 days. The land will go to the best ideas which get the most engagement on Twitter. Check out the thread to learn the rules, share your ideas, and earn a chance to win your own belt!

We are beyond grateful to our community that continues to show up and inspires us to drive forward on building a great product that will empower people to express their creativity in new and exciting ways. The future is looking very bright for Realm and we are excited to have you on this journey with us!

Realm sponsored NFT.NYC this week, and the team has been having a great time through connecting with the NTF and crypto community, our partners, investors, and advisors, and continuing to make rapid products on developing a world class product. Stay tuned for more updates, sign up for our Pre-Alpha, and we’ll see you in the Metaverse!

