Realm DevLog #3: Treasure Discovery, Customisable Assets, & Quick Search & Find On Mobile!

2 min readOct 15, 2021


Let’s build Realm together! Here’s a look at some of what our development team has been up to behind the scenes.

#1 — Finding Treasures in Realm!

We’re making finding treasures in Realm fun and easy no matter what device or platform you’re using!

How It’s Being Built

We’re making sure all UI elements are responsive and scale nicely in both portrait and landscape aspect ratios. We’re also testing these elements on different screens and resolutions so they are compatible with different devices.

Find Your Treasure!

No matter what device you’re using, finding treasures will be an exciting experience!

#2—Customisable Objects and Assets

It’s always more fun when you get to do it your way!

How They’re Being Built

We’re making the objects in a realm — from portals to picture frames to NPCs and collectibles — easily customisable, allowing you to effortlessly change their appearance and functionality.

That Was Easy!

Creators can customise the objects in their realms to their taste! Our a pre-made assets will simplify your realm design process, and make it quick for non-technical players to create their realms.

#3—Mobile App UI Design — Quick Search & Find!

Our UI design is going to make searching and finding in the Realm mobile app so you can effortlessly connect with new friends, find NFTs and events, and discover realms.

How It’s Being Built

We’ve been working hard on the search function in the Realm mobile app. Our native UI design focuses on providing a quick visual search that will show you the options of your search all in one place.

I’ve Found It!

This UI design will allow you to quickly search and find realms, Realmies, NFTs, other users, and events— it’s your key to discovering the wonders of the Realm Metaverse.

The Realm Teaser App is Here!

We’re excited to announce a teaser version of the Realm mobile app is available for Apple and Android. The first 1,500 users to sign up for our teaser app will receive a Founders Badge on their profile once Realm is launched. Give it a try and share your experience with us on Twitter!

Read more about the Realm teaser app now!

